Defender SerIes
IPM Bottom Board
Consists of four ventilation filters , bottom drawer and an excluder. This ensures your bees always have fresh air and allows debris and mites to fall out of the hive.The drawer is located under the excluder and serves to facilitate control of varroa and cleaning of the bottom board.
Pollen Trap
Fits over the flight board. The holes in the pollen rake are designed to suit bee physiology according to world standard sizes and do not harm the bees. There is a drone exit hole between the rake and the hive.
The ventilated drawer prevents collected pollen from growing humid.
Bee Entryway Separator
Both sides of the seperator can be used by reversing. The three-notched side is used when wintering as an entrance reducer. The opposite side with larger number of notches is for the bees to work and defend their hive easily.
Lock-latch Handles
Used to fasten together the bottom board,the brood chamber, the super and the top cover. As the excluder, when inserted, increases the distance in between, a second stage has been added for the latch to lock safely. The handles allow easy handling of the hive.
Frame Spacers and Immobilization
Upper and Lower Fixing Elements By inserting each frame into a slot, potential damages during transport will be prevented, eliminating also the need for pre-transport fixing operations. If not needed can be reversed to a flat side without grooves. The elements comes standard in the brood chamber and supers of Defender Series
Division and Uniting Board
Used for shrinking the hive interior during wintering, the division board has round ducts in its design which can be used in merging as well as uniting colonies.
2 Story Set Includes All This
IPM Bottom Board
Inspection Tray
Varroa Excluder
Handy Frames (20 unit)
Frame Spacers (1 unit)
Feeder Cover
Inner Cover Type Feeder (4 lt)
Hive Top Cover
Deep Super (1 unit)
Queen Excluder (1 unit)
Deep Brood Box
Fly Board Sun Shield
Deep Brood Box
Deep Brood Box
Hive Bodies and Supers
Langstroth Hive Bodies and Supers
Deep Super
Medium Super (LD-16)
Dadant Hive Bodies and Supers
Deep Super
Medium Super (LD-16)
A complete colony management system
Thermo Swarm Rearing and Queen Breeding Hives are an important part of apiary management and should be used imaginatively. An apiary should be a fairly fluid thing with possibly a fairly stable number of honey producing colonies, and a varying number of support colonies, mainly nuclei that service them. Numbers can be reduced by selling or uniting.
Queen Breeding Hive
Swarm Rearing Hive
Swarm Rearing Hive
Includes All This:
• Hive Top Cover
• 2 Inner Cover Type Half Feeders
• 1 Thermo Deep Brood Box
• 16 Queen Frames
• 8 Frame Adapters
• Frame spacers & stoppers
• 2 Lock and Latch Handles
• 2 Lock and Latches
• 2 Division & uniting board (full size)
• 2 Reversible bee entrance
• 2 Mating gates
• 1 Fly Board sun shield
• Queen bee condition indicators
• IPM Bottom Board
Thermo Swarm Rearing Nucleus
with 2 Compartments allows you to winter two relatively weak colonies together in one single hive, smoothly unite a queenless colony with a queenright colony, rear queens without having to perform any extra work on the frames, prevent bee losses by means of the sunshade and the colour sockets intended to keep the bees from mistaking their colony for another, control varroa through the varroa drawer, and use this Nucleus also as a Thermo Production Hive.
Queen Breeding Hive
Includes All This:
• Hive Top Cover
• 4 Inner Cover Type Queen Feeder
• 1 Thermo Deep Brood Box
• 16 Queen Frames
• 8 Frame Adapters
• Frame spacers & stoppers
• 2 Lock and Latch Handles
• 2 Lock and Latches
• 2 Division & uniting board (full size)
• 2 Division & uniting board (half size)
• 4 Mating gates
• 2 Reversible bee entrance
• 2 Fly Board sun shields
• Queen bee condition indicators
• IPM Bottom Board
Queen Breeding Nucleus with 4 Compartments allows, by its very design, to simultaneously rear and feed four independent colonies in any region or climate. The living space available per colony not only enhances queen quality and enables her to lead a larger colony population, but also serves to increase productivity. With 4 Compartments was designed to lend itself to be converted into a Thermo Swarm Rearing Nucleus with 2 Compartments or a Thermo Production Hive, by means of accessories, if needed.
Queen Frame
Half the size of a normal frame, it is used for
rearing queens. Queen frames can also be
converted into a normal frame, if so desired, by linking them together via a special socket to obtain the size of a standard honey frame.
Queen Bee Status Indicator
Provide convenience to the beekeeper in checking the condition of the queen(s) if any in the hive without having to open the top cover thereby saving time. No more stones on the hives!
Bee Space
System allows queen bee breeding in any region and under any climatic condition.
Adequate working space provided in each
compartment for worker bees and queen bees helps avoid colony migration and losses.
Mating Gate
There is a queen entrance towards the top of the brood box; this reduces the production of castes as virgin queens leave by the highest exit and if she leaves, it is with a very small retinue.
Flight Board
Located on two sides of the hive body for queens, each flight board has two color sockets on it for bees to identify their own colony. The boards provide independent entry & exit for two or four colonies, and they can be easily closed and locked during transporting queens.
Division and Uniting Board Half Size
Used in dividing the Queen Hive compartment in to two smaller compartments, it has a uniting element which is opened to accustom the colonies to one another when uniting the colonies afterwards the board is removed from the hive.
Order Line:+ 44 7785 394439
Order Line:+90 (212) 876 76 55
+90 (533) 634 06 83